The content is just an excerpt from the complete note for JSS 2 Third Term Agricultural Science Lesson Note – Fishery. Check below to download the complete PDF
TOPIC: Fishery
CONTENT: Definition of fishery
Classes of fish based on;
- Habitat – fresh water and salt water fish
- Morphology – bony and cartilaginous fish
- Other types of aquatic organisms- shell fish, crab, prawn, reptile(turtle, crocodile, iguana, alligator), mammals(hippopotamus, whale)
Sub – Topic 1: Definition of fishery
Fishery refers to management and production of fish and other aquatic animals. Of all animals living in water, fish is the most plentiful of them. Fish belongs to the group of aquatic vertebrates i.e. they have back bones. They are specially adapted to live, raised and reproduced in water.
Examples of fish are:
- cat fish
- mud fish
- Nile perch
Classification of fish.
Fish can be classified into two based on (I) Habitat and (II) Morphology (structure).
Classification based on habitat.
- Fresh water fish:
These are fish that can successfully live and reproduce only in salt free water such as ponds ,lakes, streams, rivers, swamps e.t.c. Examples of fresh water fish are tilapia, cat fish, Nile perch, mud dogfish, moon fish e.t.c.
- Salt water fish:
These are fish which can live and reproduce successfully in saline (salt) water like lagoons, oceans, and seas. Examples are dog fish, shark, croaker, sole, and mackerel e.t.c.