Economic effects of high population density in Nigeria

(i) Pressure on land: High population density will make the demand for land for economy activities to outstrip the supply.

(ii) Lower living standard: There is rapid increased in the demand for goods and services in areas of high population density hence rapid increase in prices, shortage of goods and services culminating in lower living standards.

(iii) Increased expenses on social amenities: The demand for social amenities such as schools, roads, water supply, electricity etc increases in areas of high population density. This increase government expenditure on these facilities.

(iv) Increase in crime wave: High population density may breed crimes like armed robbery, advance fee fraud, prostitution etc.

(v) Unemployment problems: Areas of high population density in Nigeria are associated with high rate of unemployment.

(vi) Increased supply of labour force: High population density provides adequate supply of labour.

(vii) Higher rate of investment: Areas of high population density in Nigeria attract investors since these areas are potential market centres.

(viii) Increased health hazards: Areas of high population density are associated with overcrowding, air and water pollution, wastes disposal problems etc. All these impair health.

(ix) Balance of payments problems: High population density may force the country to import more goods and services which may lead to deficit on the balance of payment.

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