by Sunday | Apr 26 | Geography WAEC
A. granite B. coal C. clay D. standtone Correct Answer: Option B – coal
by Sunday | Apr 26 | Geography WAEC
A. political rallies B. sport events C. rural-urban migration D. religious tourism Correct Answer: Option C = rural-urban migration
by Sunday | Apr 26 | Geography WAEC
A. primary activities B. secondary activities C. tertiary activities D. large area coverage Correct Answer: Option A = primary activities
by Sunday | Apr 26 | Geography WAEC
A. rural depopulation B. urban depopulation C. rural employment D. rural unemployment Correct Answer: Option A = rural depopulation
by Sunday | Apr 26 | Geography WAEC
A. port-harcourt B. takoradi C. freetown D. monrovia Correct Answer: Option C – freetown
by Sunday | Apr 26 | Geography WAEC
A. trans-Saharan slave trade B. rich fertile soil C. concentration of industries D. presence of mineral resources Correct Answer: Option A = trans-Saharan slave trade