The necessary features to be considered in choosing means of transport for a given commodity are:-

i. Distance/location- the location where the goods are needed will help to determine the choice of transport. Where the place is far, air may be chosen.

ii. Unit value of goods- valuable goods like minerals needs to be carried as quickly as possible to avoid pilfering

iii. The nature of the goods- Perishable items needs to be carried quickly to minimize spoilage while bulky goods are carried by rail or road

iv. Urgency/speed/time with which the goods are needed- Fast means of transport is needed to convey goods needed urgently e.g. drugs

v. Available means- The means of transport available where the goods are located is what is used

vi. Safety of the goods- a means of transport that will ensure safety movement of the good is also a factor to consider

vii. Cost of transport- a trader will prefer a cheaper means of transport

viii. Customer’s preference- the choice of the customer will also influence the choice of transport.

ix. Destination- there is such places that have no other means of transport than by road

x. Volume or quantity of goods will also determine the choice of transport for a given commodity i.e. the space to occupy.

xi. The weight of goods e.g. light or heavy

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