Services which NIPOST renders to the public are:
(i) Mail post: First class and second class mail including air mail services
(ii) Parcel post: Parcels are handled in the NIPOST
(iii) Business reply service or Free post:
- The addressee is able to send reply without incurring any expenses
- The normal postage for this service is prepaid by the user
- It is mostly used for advertisement
(iv) Private box and mailbag: All letters addressed to the business man are placed in a numbered private box, until they are collected
(v) Licensing of Franking machines: Firstly recorded impressions and the amount of postage where there is a considerable quantity of mail to be stamped and posted.
(vi) Redirection of mails: Where the addressee changed his address
(vii) Post restante:
- By travelers who have no fixed address for receipt of parcels or correspondences
- The postal packets are kept in NIPOST until they are collected
(viii) Registration of letters:
- To ensure the safety of the mail; receipts are obtained every time the letter changes hand.
- The addressee must sign for the parcel when it is delivered to him.
(ix) Recorded delivery: For parcels that are important but not financially valuable.
- To ensure that the sender is given evidence of delivery of the mailed parcel
(x) Express delivery service (Expedited Mail Service) EMS.
- Letters and parcels are conveyed specially to the addressee immediately on arrival at NIPOST
- Handed over at the counter to the NIPOST official to deliver.
(xi) Payment functions:
- Money order- Means of payment for mail order business through the NIPOST.
- Cash on Delivery (COD)
- Provided to assist the mail order delivery
- It provides a safeguard to both sellers and buyers.
- Sellers do not tie up in bad debts, and the mail-order customers have the goods as soon as they pay.
Postal order:
- Issued for fixed amount and used for payments
- May be crossed for payment into the bank account
- Valid for six months.
Postage Stamps:
Used for payment of little debts.
(xii) National Giro: Payment is effected by making the payment.