by Sunday | May 3 | Economics NECO
A. Allocates resources better B. Avoids extreme Inequality of income C. Full employment D. It is very competent In providing vital social services E. No need of employing a host of officials to allocate resources Correct Answer: Option D – It is very competent...
by Sunday | May 3 | Economics NECO
A. balanced B. deficit C. restricted D. surplus Correct Answer: Option D – surplus
by Sunday | May 3 | Economics NECO
A. Availability of social amenities B. Development of subsidiary industries C. Highly organized markets D. supply of skilled labour E. traffic De-congestion Correct Answer: Option E – traffic De-congestion
by Sunday | May 3 | Economics NECO
A. general increase in the price of a single product B. period of economic recession C. period of hunger D. period of excessive money E. persistent rise in the general price level Correct Answer: Option E – persistent rise in the general price...
by Sunday | May 3 | Economics NECO
A. capital management B. production of beverage C. profit making D. profit sharing E. risk bearing Correct Answer: Option E – risk bearing
by Sunday | May 3 | Economics NECO
A. Consumer’s income B. Degree of necessities C. Durability of the product D. Number of uses of the commodity E. Proportion of income spent on the product Correct Answer: Option C – Durability of the product