The measures the government can take to curb unemployment in Nigeria are:

i. Total over-hauling and restructuring of the educational system to lay greater emphasis on technical and vocational education

ii. Adoption of an aggressive industrialization policy for the country by the government

iii. Effective population control measures must be put in place to monitor population growth rate

iv. A sound economic planning to match job opportunities with the number of graduates from technical and higher institutions.

v. Development of the rural areas to put an end to rural-urban drifts.

vi. Encouragement of the adoption of the labour-intensive technique of production by entrepreneur.

vii. Mobility of labour should be encouraged through liberalization of emigration laws and trade union regulations

viii. Conscious efforts must be made to reduce the rate of illiteracy which is rampant in Nigeria

ix. Adequate information must be provided for job seekers about available job opportunities.

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