This content is just an excerpt from the Complete Second Term Christian Religious Knowledge (CRK) Lesson Note For Primary One. Check the link attached to download the complete lesson note << DOWNLOAD FILE >>
Week 1
Class: 1
Topic: The birth of Jesus
Behavioural objectives: Pupils should be able to:
- narrate the birth of Jesus
- tell why Jesus came
- explain why we celebrate Christmas.
Instructional material/Reference material: Children’s Bible, Pictures, and charts
Building Background /connection to prior knowledge:
Content: Jesus was given birth in Bethlehem of Judea, he was given birth in a place called manger, he was the son of God, he was sent to come and die for sin of mankind.
* He was given birth by a mother called virgin Mary and his father Joseph the carpenter, he was their first child through the Holy Spirit.
▶️ We celebrate Christmas to remember the birth of Jesus Christ our lord
Evaluation: teacher will ask the Pupils to:
- explain who Jesus is and why He came.
- explain why we celebrate Christmas.
Week: 2
Class: 1
Topic: The visit of the wise men
Behavioural objectives: Pupils should be able to:
▶ Narrate the visit of the wise men and the shepherds
Instructional material/Reference material: Children’s Bible, Pictures and charts
Building Background /connection to prior knowledge: the pupils have been taught on the birth of Jesus
When Jesus was given birth, the angel of the lord appears to the shepherds and told them that he has come to give them the good news that the king of the Jews have been given birth
▶️ The wise men look in search of Jesus Christ and they get there through the lead of the star 🌟, the lord use star to lead the wise men to Jesus, and when they find him they gave him a gift from their treasures
- gold
- myrrh
- frankincense
Evaluation: Teacher will ask the Pupils to:
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