by Sunday | Mar 21 | Biology JAMB
A. bacteria B. fungi C. viruses D. protozoa Correct Answer: Option C = viruses
by Sunday | Mar 21 | Biology JAMB
A. microscope B. thermometer C. hygrometer D. windvane Correct Answer: Option A – microscope Explanation Common abiotic factors are atmosphere, chemical elements, sunlight/temperature, wind and water, all other options are instrument used to measure these apart...
by Sunday | Mar 21 | Biology JAMB
A. habitat B. biome C. ecosystem D. ecological niche Correct Answer: Option C = ecosystem Explanation An ecosystem consists of all the biotic and abiotic factors that influence that community.
by Sunday | Mar 21 | Biology JAMB
A. of it’s use in scientific studies B. it sucks nectar from flowers C. it adds to the beauty of the environment D. it pollinates flowers of crops and other plants Correct Answer: Option D – it pollinates flowers of crops and other plants Explanation...
by Sunday | Mar 21 | Biology JAMB
A. sex differentiation B. beauty C. courtship D. defence Correct Answer: Option C – courtship Explanation The males display their beautiful fanned trains as part of their courtship behaviour to the Peahens.
by Sunday | Mar 21 | Biology JAMB
A. Increases the surface area for absorption B. increases the surface area for digestion C. assists in mixing digested food D. assists in filtering undigested food Correct Answer: Option A – Increases the surface area for absorption Explanation Villis are...