by Sunday | Mar 21 | Biology JAMB
A. rat B. lizard C. fish D. frog Correct Answer: Option D – frog Explanation Amphibians utilize gills for breathing early in life, and develop primitive lungs in their adult life; additionally, they are able to breathe through their...
by Sunday | Mar 21 | Biology JAMB
A. malphighian tubule B. flame cell C. nephridium D. kidney Correct Answer: Option C – nephridium Explanation Nephridia remove metabolic wastes from an animal’s body. Nephridia come in two basic categories: metanephridia and...
by Sunday | Mar 21 | Biology JAMB
Use the diagram to answer the question A. i B. ii C. iii D. iv Correct Answer: Option B = ii
by Sunday | Mar 21 | Biology JAMB
Use the diagram to answer the question A. lumber B. thoracic C. caudal D. cervical Correct Answer: Option B – thoracic
by Sunday | Mar 21 | Biology JAMB
A. carbon dioxide B. alkaloids C. tannins D. anthoocyanins Correct Answer: Option A – carbon dioxide Explanation The waste products of a plant are carbon dioxide, water vapour and oxygen.
by Sunday | Mar 21 | Biology JAMB
A. osmosis B. plasmolysis C. turgidity D. hemolysis Correct Answer: Option D – hemolysis Explanation Your body normally destroys old or faulty red blood cells in the spleen or other parts of your body through a process called...