A. Adolf Hitler of Germany
B. Benito Mussolini of Italy
C. Haile Selassie of Ethiopia
D. Margaret Thatcher of Britain

Correct Answer: Option C

C. Haile Selassie of Ethiopia


An absolute monarchy is a form of monarchy where the ruler rules a state and its citizens (i.e., his subjects) without any legal or political interference.  In this form of government, power is usually passed onto children or families. he monarch can put as much tax as they wish and doesn’t need to follow their advisors if they have any. In short, power only under that of God. An example of an absolute monarch is Haile Selassie of Ethiopia.

He was an old-style absolute monarch who ruled his nation with a sense of paternalism. He believed he knew what is best for Ethiopia. He believed he knew what is best for Ethiopia. He sought to modernize a feudal system but failed to undertake land reform.

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