For many aspirants who don’t know this; Your failure in geography has a little or no effect when determining which science course study in the university except if you want to study geographical sciences courses like Geology, Urban and regional planning and so on.

As long as you have the right subject combination for the course you wish to study, you are limitless.

Unfortunately, most aspirants who don’t have Geography in WAEC and are well naïve of the courses they can study without it university seems to deny themselves of the hope of getting admitted that year.

I have compiled suggested lists of courses you can study as a student of science department in secondary school.

Below is the list of suggested courses to study Without Geography In WAEC

Zoology – O’level general requirements include English Language, Mathematics, Biology, and two other science subject.

Anatomy – is the branch of biology concerned with studying the structure of organisms and their parts.

Fisheries – is the study of social, biological, and geographical objects involved in producing fish for human consumption.

Botany – is a science concerned with the study of plants. The main branches of botany (also referred to as “plant science”) are commonly divided into three groups: core topics, the classification and description of plant diversity.

Biology – is the natural science that studies life and living organisms, including their physical structure, chemical processes, molecular interactions, physiological mechanisms, development, and evolution.

Agronomy – is the science and technology of producing and using plants for food, fuel, fibre, and land reclamation

SEE ALSO  Suggested courses to study with E8 in Government

Statistics – The O ‘level requirements are Mathematics and at least three subjects from Physics, Statistics, Geography, Further Mathematics, Economics, and Geography. This means you can study statistics in most universities that offer statistics with E8 in Geography.

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