(i) Alphabetical Filing: Arranging files by names in strict alphabetical order ranging from A – Z.

(ii) Numerical Filing: Files are arranged in numerical order and are separated by guide cards numbered in multiples of ten e.g. 1 – 10, 11 – 20, etc.

(iii) Subject Filing: Arranging files according to subject headings rather than correspondents. Examples are accounts, personnel, sales etc. Any subject filing bearing the names of correspondents may require an alphabetical index.

(iv) Alpha – Numerical Filing: This is the combination of both alphabetical and numerical filing systems. A series of alphabetical guide cards is prepared and folders numbered in sequence behind each guide card. Examples are A1, A2, A3. Etc.

(v) Geographical Filing: Is the arrangement of contents, countries, towns, cities or other areas in alphabetical order with the names of correspondents arranged within the area of which they belong.

(vi) Chronological Filing: A system of arranging papers within file folders in a time sequence or according to dates while the folders are arranged in alphabetical order of the correspondent’s name. The most recent papers are always placed on top for easy access.

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