Personal hygiene reduces the possibility of infection. The main points to note are:

1. Regular washing of the skin which improves personal freshness (removing perspiration)

2. Well-groomed hair must be neatly cut or covered where necessary.

3. Clean hands and nails. No nicotine stains wash basins, soap, towels, nailbrushes, hot water, all these must be provided.

4. Neat in appearance, uniform must be smart and clean and well starched.

5. Clean and comfortable shoes are essential as a staff is on their feet most of the day.

6. Coughing and sneezing over or near foods must be discouraged as this spreads infection.

7. Wash your hands after leaving the toilets. (Notices should be displayed to this effect)

8. Adequate provision should be made for drying hands with disposable papers or clean towel. To avoid the possibility of cross-infection, hot air dryers or disposable paper towels or clean cloth towel should be used wherever possible.

9. All cuts and burns should be treated or covered immediately to avoid infection.

10. All staff with minor sickness such as cold, stomach upsets, etc. should be reported immediately to the sick-bay of the Doctor for a check-up before being allowed to continue work.

11. No smoking should be allowed while preparing or handling food.

12. No one is allowed to sleep in the kitchen or serving area (Restaurant).

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