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  1. Representative Democracy
  2. Characteristics of Representative Democracy
  3. Ways by which the practice of democracy can contribute to national development

Meaning of Democracy

The term ‘democracy’ comes from the Greek word d’emokratia ‘meaning rule of the people’ which was coined from demos meaning people and kratos meaning authority or power.

Democracy originated from Greek city-states. However, Abraham Lincoln the late American President defined democracy ‘as the government of the people, by the people and for the people’.


Representative democracy is a form of government that is founded on the principle of elected individuals representing the people, as opposed to autocracy and direct democracy. In order words, it is a type of democracy in which the citizens delegate authority to elected representatives. It is also government formed by the majority of the people. It is a form of government that allows the will of the people to prevail because the majority of the people will take decisions concerning what the country will do or not. That means the majority will always have their way while the minority will have a say in any democratic government.


  1. Explain the meaning of democracy.
  2. Mention the two Greek words from which the term “democracy” is derived and the meaning of the words.
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There are many characteristics of representative democracy. Here are some of them:

  1. Periodic free and fair elections: There should be periodic free and fair elections through which people elect their choice leaders and can equally remove them whenever they are not performing.
  2. Supremacy of the Constitution: One major characteristic/feature of democracy is the existence of a constitution, written or unwritten, which guides and controls the actions of the government and the governed. A country’s constitution is supreme and above any person, groups or interest.
  3. Rule of Law: The law of the land or nation should be respected and obeyed by both government and the governed. No one should be placed above the law or seen to be above the law. All citizens are equal before the law and must be obedient to it.
  4. Independent judiciary: The Judiciary as the last hope of common man should be free from the control and influence of the executive and legislature so that it can settle political disputes arising from election fairly.
  5. Political Equality: Every citizen in a democratic government is given opportunity to vote and be voted for provided they are qualified to participate in the electoral process.
  6. The will of the people: In democracy, the will of the people prevails over and above over the will of individuals, groups or sections. A democratic government must have the support of the citizens and be ready to serve their interest.

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