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TOPIC:          HIV / AIDS


  1. Meaning and causes of HIV /AIDS
  2. Symptoms and effects OF HIV/AIDS


Meaning of HIV/AIDS

HIV simply means Human Immunodeficiency Virus. It destroys the immune system of man. Immune deficiency is a medical condition in which the body is unable to fight infections as it should be. AIDS means Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. This implies that the virus is not inborn but acquired from a carrier. The virus weakens the immune system and lead to series of diseases that can kill the carrier.

AIDS first appeared in the 1970s but was first recognized in the United States of America in 1981 and detected in Africa (in Uganda) in 1982. HIV –1t was discovered in 1983 while HIV – 2 was discovered in March 1986.

Causes of HIV/AIDS:

  1. Unprotected sexual intercourse with a carrier.
  2. Sharing of objects like needles, injection syringes, barbing clippers, razor blades, pins, toothbrushes etc. that are not sterilized with a carrier.
  1. Infected mother can transfer it to her unborn baby.
  2. Infected blood transfusion.
  3. Occupational hazard during treatment of HIV/AIDS
  4. Open sore contact with fluid of infected person


  1. Differentiate between HIV and AIDS
  2. State 3 causes of HIV / AIDS
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Signs and Symptoms of HIV/AIDS

  1. Unexplained rapid weight lose greater than 10% of body weight.
  2. Night sweat.
  3. Fever lasting for more one month.
  4. Dry cough lasting for more than one month.
  5. Itchy skin rashes.
  6. Cold sores all over the body.
  7. Thrush in the mouth and throat.
  8. Loss of appetite
  9. Swelling around the neck, armpit.
  10. Swollen gland
  11. Tiredness and fatigue

Effects of HIV/AIDS

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