Agricultural science like other science-oriented subjects has 3 parts of which theory section carries the heaviest share of score. It is composite kind of question helps the students to gain more chances of passing, however, information obtained from WAEC, outline the following Reasons why candidates fail 2018 Agricultural Science WAEC Theory

Majority of the candidates were unable to:

  1. state the uses of tractor and bulldozer
  2. state the functions of soil water to crops
  3. explain the life cycle of liver fluke
  4. discuss the cultivation of cassava
  5. complete the table on animal diseases
  6. discuss groundnut rosette disease
  7. draw and label the structure of a chicken egg
  8. complete the table on the law of diminishing returns
  9. mention marketing services in agricultural production

Examiners’ nugget

The remarks across board are compiled by the council made available are as follows:

  1. Adequate teaching and coverage of the syllabuses. Aspects of the syllabus such as farm mechanization/Agricultural engineering, crop and animal production, agricultural economics amongst others should be covered by teachers with particular emphasis on the new areas of the syllabus;
  2. Teachers should expose student to questions on calculations in agricultural science;
  3. Teachers should teach the students with appropriate diagrams where necessary;
  4. Teachers should emphasize the acquisition of practical skills in the subject through school farms, field visits, excursion; and
  5. Only graduates of Agricultural Science/Agriculture should be allowed to teach the subject in Senior Secondary Schools in West Africa.

Observed students’ strength

Majority of the candidates were able to:

  1. state the daily maintenance practices carried out on a tractor
  2. state the ways in which basic amenities and farm inputs hinder agricultural development in West Africa
  3. define weed
  4. outline the factors that could cause low soil pH
  5. explain land tenure system
  6. state the characteristics of land and capital as factors of production
  7. explain colostrum
  8. state the management practices carried out in poultry production
  9. state the problems of agricultural marketing in West Africa

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