The practical session of any science subject ought to be a plus for students in passing the subject, meanwhile, many candidates hardly have it easy with the session, the reasons for this varies yearly. The Reasons Why Candidate Fail 2019 Animal Husbandry WAEC Practical will be examined in this article.

Candidates were unable to:

  1. mention the feedstuffs that could be used in place of fishmeal;
  2. mention the management practices which are carried out during the rearing of chicken;
  3. state the precautions which should be taken by the farmer when using razor blade for castration;
  4. name the disadvantages of using razor blade for castrating pigs;
  5. name other tools which could be used in place of razor blade for castrating farm animals;
  6. draw and label tapeworm;
  7. state ways of preserving meat;
  8. state the responses of chicks to different temperatures.

What are the Chief Examiner’s Recommendations?

  1. The chief examiner recommended the following with a view of having higher percentage in the coming year animal husbandry examination.
  2. Only competent graduates of Animal Science/Production should be saddled with the responsibility of teaching the subject in Senior Secondary Schools;
  3. Animal Husbandry should be taught as a practical oriented subject through laboratory activities, field trips, excursions etc
  4. Adequate facilities and textbooks on Animal Husbandry should be made available to enhance the teaching-learning of Animal Husbandry in Senior Secondary Schools.

Candidates’ Strengths

The candidates were able to:

state the major nutrient supplied by fish meal;

  1. mention the functions of protein;
  2. give the reasons for keeping chicken;
  3. state the uses of iodine tincture in animal production;
  4. state the activities which require the use of hand gloves in animal production;
  5. list the stages in the life cycle of liver fluke;
  6. state the effects of liver fluke on farm animals;
  7. give the functions of gizzard;
  8. state the features of gizzard that enables it to perform its functions.

We have specially made you a portable Animal Husbandry handbook for each year, CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

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