Agricultural science practical isn’t a hard part of the subject in the exam but complacent and unfamiliarity with farming tools have been the leading causes for poor performance. This year’s Reasons Why Candidates Fail 2019 Agricultural Science WAEC Practical are as well in line.

Based on the observed weaknesses the Chief Examiners recommended as follows:

  1. Candidates should embark on visits to agricultural farms and agro-based industries.
  2. There should be intensive self-study and revision before exam.
  3. Hands-on practical exposure and experience is advocated
  4. Having a functional school farm should be made a prerequisite for writing Agricultural Science in WASSCE.
  5. Workshop should be organized for teachers to enable them update their knowledge and skills.
  6. Improved reading culture among students is advocated.
  7. Only graduates of Agricultural Science/Agriculture should be allowed to teach the subject in Senior Secondary Schools in West Africa.

WAEC Recommendations in Boosting Candidate’s Performance

Gross examination of the year’s performance led to the following observations which could have add more grades to the students were it be they keyed in. The following are recommended by the council

The candidates were unable to:

  1. Describe the wheelbarrow; the description of the tools is simple
  2. Tabulate the observations from the experiment on the soils
  3. List the general cultural practices that are carried out by farmers when growing onion, tomato, carrot, Amaranthus, okra and spinach;
  4. State the ways in which the growing of onion, tomato, carrot, Amaranthus, okra and spinach is important to humans;
  5. State the functions of protein, fats and oil obtained from catfish;
  6. Give the disadvantages of using blood meal in compounding livestock feed;
  7. Spell technical terms
  8. Write legibly.

General Candidate’s Strengths observed.

The candidates were able to;

  1. State the uses of rake, shovel and cutlass; state the ways of maintaining wheelbarrow; state the crops that can be grown on sandy soil;
  2. Classify onion, tomato, carrot, Amaranthus, okra and spinach into crop groups;
  3. Give reasons why loamy soil is preferred for maize production;
  4. State the economic importance of earthworm in agriculture;
  5. State the main food nutrients obtainable from bone meal and catfish;
  6. Name farm animals from which bone meal could be obtained.

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