In line with WAEC official data which was made available, the following are the Reasons Why Candidates Fail Animal Husbandry WAEC 2015 Theory.

Candidates were unable to:

  1. name the main regions of the vertebral column of a sheep;
  2. state the specialized functions of the regions of the vertebral column of sheep;
  3. outline the steps involved in the processing of beeswax;
  4. determine the expected date of lambing of an ewe, given the date of servicing;
  5. explain how age, physiological state and purpose of keeping an animal affect feed formulation for farm animals;
  6. state the precautions to be taken to ensure the preparation of good quality feed for layers.

Council’s recommendation as outlined by the Chief Examiner

As familiar as the reasons are, many students willfully despised suggested remedies in the previous years before heading for the WAEC examination. You are therefore counselled to consider the outlined remedies while preparing for the next exam.

  1. Only competent graduates of Animal Science/Production should be saddled with the responsibility of teaching the subject in Senior Secondary Schools;
  2. Animal Husbandry should be taught as a practical oriented subject through laboratory activities, field trips, excursions etc.
  3. Adequate facilities and textbooks on Animal Husbandry should be made available to enhance the teaching-learning of Animal Husbandry in Senior Secondary Schools.
  4. Encourage students to spell correctly and adhere to nomenclature rules

Demonstrated Candidates’ Strengths during the Exam

The candidates displayed better understanding about the following questions:

  1. explain lactation and rumination as used in Animal husbandry
  2. give the reasons for providing a new-born calf with colostrum
  3. state the characteristics of West African goats
  4. state the disadvantages of natural incubation
  5. state the factors which could be responsible for high incidence of mortality in a brooder house
  6. give the reasons for candling eggs; define the term Animal husbandry
  7. state ways in which farm animals are important to humans
  8. explain the terms ovulation and oestrus as used animal production
  9. list the signs that indicate that an ewe is approaching parturition
  10. list the classes of animal feed
  11. state the functions of protein in animal diets
  12. name the sources of protein in animal feed
  13. explain the term rangeland
  14. state the characteristics of a rangeland
  15. mention the ways in which rangeland is important in animal production list the methods of rangeland improvement
  16. name pasture grasses and pasture legumes.

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