Aligning with the WAEC data, which was made available on their official website, the followings were pinned as reasons why Candidates fail 2010 Commerce WAEC. Carefully study the reasons, suggested and remedies if you are a prospective candidate or the subject teacher.

Weakness observed in candidate scripts:

  1. Inadequate coverage of the syllabus which shows in the candidates
  2. Inability to answer questions on Mathematics of Commerce (simple business calculation) e.g question 10
  3. Poor mastering of English Language this weakness showed in
  4. candidates’ inability to understand the question and explain the required points.
  5. Candidates performed poorly in question on International trade e.g., question 5
  6. Poor and shallow knowledge of the subject.

WAEC Suggested Remedies

The following remedies were offered by the chief examiner in order to boost prospective candidate score, carefully take a look!

  1. Candidates should cover all aspects of the syllabus in commerce before registering for the examination.
  2. Commerce teachers should thoroughly groom students on Mathematics of Commerce.
  3. The teaching and learning of English Language should be encouraged in schools and other places of learning.
  4. Qualified teachers of Commerce should be employed to teach Commerce in schools while recommended text books should be studied by candidates in order to improve on their knowledge of the subject.

Candidate’s Strengths

The strength observed in the scripts of few candidates include

  1. candidates give direct answer to question
  2. most candidates scored highly ranging 70 – 90%
  3. clear statement of facts
  4. originality of answers
  5. candidates performed very well in the following questions Q6 and Q8
  6. candidates provide useful illustration to clarify their answers
  7. strict adherence to rubrics

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