The following were outline as the leading reasons why candidates fail 2016 geography map reading in WAEC. This information is originally put together by the examining council which is further simplified for students to have a better comprehension so, no point neglecting. Prospective candidates and geography instructors are therefore advice to take a careful read on the post.

Candidates’ Weakness

Some of the weaknesses discovered in the scripts of the candidates included:

  1. Illegible handwriting

Some of the candidate’s handwriting were so poor that they could not be read. This made it difficult for the examiners to accurately decode what the candidates meant.

  1. Inadequate preparation for the examination

Some of the candidates did not fully cover the syllabus as evidenced by their poor performance or even avoidance of some questions like question 8 which was a deflation and abrasion. Some of the candidates also performed poorly in the description of the drainage of the topographical map.

  1. Mere listing of answers

Some candidates merely listed answers to questions that required explanations. This made them to lose precious marks.

  1. Poor expression

Some of the candidates expressed their line of thoughts in poor grammar. The poor expression made it difficult for examiners to decode the extent of understanding of the candidates on the various ideas that were required of them.

  1. None adherence to rubrics

Some of the candidates violated the rubrics by not answering question 1 which was the compulsory question.

Suggested Remedies

The following are suggested solutions to overcome the weaknesses that were observed on the candidates’ scripts:

  1. Good handwriting

Good handwriting could be developed through deliberate practice aimed at improving the handwriting. Teachers should encourage those with poor handwriting to embark on constant practice to improve their handwritings.

  1. Adequate preparation towards examination

Candidates are advice to prepare adequately by reading all topics ahead of the scheduled examination date.

  1. Adequate explanation of answers

Most geography questions require explanation of the points to score full marks. Mere listing of points will lead to loss of precious marks.

  1. Good expressions

Good expressions could be mastered through reading of good textbooks, journals, newspapers and novels.

  1. Adherence to rubrics

Candidates are advised to always read the instruction guiding each examination and make sure they obey such instructions.

Candidates’ Strength

Some of the candidates performed well in the map reading and interpretation by correctly reducing the outline of the map supplied for that purpose

They also correctly stated the scale of the new map and correctly inserted the required features.

Most candidates were also able to clearly define climate and specified the instruments used for measuring the listed climatic elements.

Quite a good proportion of the candidates were also able to state the uses of water resources and described human activities that limit the use of water resources.

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