In accordance with the data made available by the WAEC, the following are the prevailing Reasons Why Candidate Fail Animal Husbandry WAEC 2015 Practical, other reasons which may be personal are not considered.

Candidates were unable to:

  1. state the ways in which specimen C (Honey) is of importance to humans
  2. state the features of specimens D(Sickle) and F (Watering trough)
  3. state the maintenance practices for specimens D(Sickle), E (Feeding trough), F (Watering trough) and G(Knife)
  4. name the major nutrients in specimens L(Elephant grass) and M (Calopogonium) as well as their functions
  5. mention the measures that could be used to control specimen P (Tick)

Are there any WAEC recommendations?

Yes, they are, however, more to that is, you must strive to cross all t’s and dot all I’s in the examination. Below are general recommendations:

  1. Only competent graduates of Animal Science/Production should be saddled with the responsibility of teaching the subject in Senior Secondary Schools;
  2. Animal Husbandry should be taught as a practical oriented subject through laboratory activities, field trips, excursions, etc.
  3. Adequate facilities and textbooks on Animal Husbandry should be made available to enhance the teaching learning of Animal Husbandry in Senior Secondary Schools.

Candidates’ strength in the examination

  1. The candidates show a commendable effort in answering the following questions:
  2. state the methods of removing specimen A (Horn) from animals;
  3. give the reasons why specimen A(Horn) may be removed from an animal
  4. mention the methods of preserving specimen B (Fresh meat)
  5. give the uses of specimens D (Sickle), E (Feeding trough) and G(Knife);
  6. name the major nutrients found in specimens J (Groundnut cake) and K (Bone meal) and their functions;
  7. mention the benefits of planting specimens L (Elephant grass) and M (Calopogonium) together in a pasture;
  8. describe how specimen K (Bone meal) is produced using the dry process;
  9. mention the hosts of specimen Q (Roundworm);
  10. state the effects of specimen P (Tick) on its hosts;
  11. state the measures that could be used to control specimen Q (Roundworm).

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