Yet to be acknowledged by some candidates and even the teachers that Agricultural Science practical can be failed grossly if the rules are not strictly adhered to. This and many others reasons are among the Reasons Why Candidate Fail 2010 Agricultural Science WAEC Practical. Read on….

The following were the prevalent weaknesses, the candidates were unable to:

  1. state the methods of propagating specimens J (yam tuber), K (plantain), and L (tomato fruit);
  2. describe briefly the methods of planting specimens J (yam tuber), K (plantain) and L (tomato fruit);
  3. make a drawing 8 – 10cm long of a longitudinal section of specimen Q (udder) as observed with the aid of specimen S (handlers);
  4. state the economic uses of specimens O (feathers) and P (hoof).

What are the Chief Examiner’s Recommendations?

Consequently, upon the identified weaknesses, the following recommendations are observed, the Chief Examiners recommend as follows:

  1. the skills of drawing should be imparted in the students during the teaching of agricultural science;
  2. the teaching and learning of agriculture should be made more practical oriented with adequate exposure of candidates to experimental and laboratory activities
  3. candidates should be made to practicalize the various aspects of crop and animal husbandry for an in-depth understanding of the subject matter.

Observed Candidates’ Strength

The candidates performed very well in the following questions:

describe the procedure used in conducting the experiment; state observations and results on the experiment;

  1. state functions of specimens B(water) and C (sodium carbonate) in the experiment;
  2. state precautions taken in carrying out the experiment;
  3. describe briefly specimens G (cutlass), H (hoe) and I (short handle sickle);
  4. state the uses of specimens G (cutlass), H (hoe) and I (short handle sickle);
  5. state ways of maintaining the specimens (i.e., cutlass, hoe and short handle sickle);
  6. name specimens N (fish scales) O (feathers) and P (hoof);
  7. list the products that can be made from specimen M(milk);

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