Of truth, mathematics has a greater influence over many other subjects and the reason for this is not far-fetched, failure to pass the subject in WAEC cast a big doubt on the usefulness of the result. Therefore, it is crucial to re-broadcasting the reasons why candidates fail mathematics 2011 WAEC. These reasons are still very applicable even unto this time.

Candidates’ Weakness

It was reported that candidates’ performance needed to improve in the following areas:

  1. Application of the laws of logarithms – Converting indices to logarithms
  2. Reading from graphs
  3. Geometrical construction

It was also observed that many candidates did not adhere to the rubrics of the question such as leaving their answers to required degree of accuracies.

Suggested Remedies

  1. Teachers were encouraged to participate in WASSCE coordination exercise.
  2. Candidates were encouraged to draw diagrams especially where such diagrams would aid understanding and solution of a given problem.
  3. Teachers were encouraged to emphasize those areas where candidates’ performance was weak.
  4. Candidates were encouraged to read the questions carefully before answering them so that they can
  5. appreciate their demands.
  6. Qualified Mathematics teachers should be encouraged to teach in schools.
  7. Teachers and candidates were encouraged to adequately cover the examination syllabus while preparing for the examination.
  8. Candidates were encouraged to read, understand and adhere strictly to instructions.
  9. Candidates were encouraged to avail themselves of past WASSCE question papers while preparing for examinations.

Candidates’ Strength

The Chief Examiner commended candidates’ responses to questions in the following:

  1. Longitude and latitude
  2. Variation
  3. Statistics – calculation of standard deviation and median
  4. Mensuration – areas of plane and solid shapes

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