Having carefully examined the year’s general performance in Data processing WAEC, the followings were identified as the leading reasons why Candidates fail 2019 Data Processing WAEC. None of WAEC observation get close to personal reasons that candidate may attached to their failure.

Candidates’ Weakness

  1. The Chief Examiner reported that the candidates’ weakness was on file structure and organization.
  2. Most of the candidates also lacked good knowledge on converting from bytes to kilobytes as they mistook 1 kilobyte to be 1000 bytes instead of 1024 bytes.
  3. Spelling mistakes as well as the use of plain English in place of more technical terms were also reported to be common among the candidates.

Suggested Remedies

The council highlighted the following remedies after having dutifully examined the students’ performance

  1. teachers should engage the students more on the concept of computer file
  2. schools and the government should employ only teachers with qualification and sound knowledge in computer to teach the subject
  3. teachers should use practical examples to explain the concept of computer storage unit conversion
  4. teachers should expose the students to glossary of computer terms
  5. students should improve on their spellings

Candidates’ Strength

The Chief Examiner reported that a good number of the candidates demonstrated a sound understanding of basic computer operations. It was also reported that candidates sowed good knowledge on practical-related questions.

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