In accordance to the data made available by the council, the following reasons are the reasons why Candidates fail 2016 Commerce WAEC.

  1. Insufficient knowledge of the subject:

Most of the candidates did not have good understanding and knowledge of the subject. As a result, they could not satisfactorily attempt the questions that need them to apply their knowledge of commerce.

  1. Poor usage of English Language:

Most candidates could not explain their points in clear and correct English grammar, thus they lost valuable marks.

  1. Some candidates did not understand the expectation of some question:

For an example, when a question says explain, the candidates mentioned or listed their points. Another is question 3b which says “explain five advantages of small-scale retail business over a large-scale business”. Here, some candidates explained the advantages of small-scale business without comparing it with large scale business.

WAEC Suggested Remedies

The following remedies were offered by the chief examiner in order to mitigate failure in the prospective candidates, carefully take a look!

  1. The candidates should be encouraged to study standard and recommended text books on commerce in their preparation for the examination;
  2. The teachers should endeavour to teach the candidates all aspect of syllabus and how to answer question to be able to meet the expectations of the question;
  3. The candidates should endeavour to learn the rules of English grammar so as to enable them express their points clearly.

Candidate’s Strengths

  1. Candidates performed well in questions on ‘ways in which commerce is important in the life of a nation and on explanation of the classes of insurance which are in questions 1 and 4 respectively.
  2. Candidates also attempted questions 2 and 8 well.
  3. Most candidates observed the rubric and attempted the required numbers of questions.

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