There may be unnoticed reasons that made you to fail 2017 Agricultural Science WAEC theory, however, as pinned down by the Exam’s body, the following are Reasons Why Candidate Fail 2017 Agricultural Science WAEC Theory. Read on….

Some of the weaknesses observed were, inability to:

  1. Calculate the area of farm lands
  2. List non-governmental agricultural organizations in West Africa
  3. State advantages of animal power
  4. Classify insect pests according to their modes of feeding
  5. Correctly spell some technical words
  6. Correctly state primary and secondary tillage implements.
  7. Deficiency symptoms of Phosphorus.
  8. Classify farm animals based on their uses and could not give examples
  9. State the sources of plant protein
  10. Give examples of forage legumes found in rangelands in West Africa
  11. Explain agricultural insurance
  12. Give reasons why beekeeping is important
  13. State the functions of parts of disc plough
  14. Correctly state the characteristics of labour as a factor of production specific enterprise insurance, fire insurance and life assurance.

Great Nuggets against Failing Agricultural Science in WAEC Theory

Having identified the peculiar reasons for failure, it isn’t enough if remedies are not provided, WAEC official enumerated tips that can safe other students from repeating similar problems, here are they….

  1. Adequate teaching and coverage of the syllabuses. Aspects of the syllabus such as:
  2. farm mechanization/Agricultural engineering,
  3. crop and animal production,
  • agricultural economics amongst others should be covered by teachers with particular emphasis on the new areas of the syllabus;
  1. Teachers should teach the students with appropriate diagrams where necessary
  2. Teachers should emphasize the acquisition of practical skills in the subject
  3. Only graduates of Agricultural Science/Agriculture should be allowed to teach the subject in Senior Secondary Schools in West Africa.


The candidates performed very well in questions testing the following topics

  1. state problems associated with irrigation in West Africa
  2. mention factors to be considered in choosing irrigation system
  3. draw and label water cycle
  4. provide concise answers
  5. mention deficiency symptoms of Phosphorus
  6. enumerating ways in which agriculture and industry are inter-related
  7. state fishery regulations in West Africa
  8. describe the nursery practices in cocoa cultivation;
  9. explain scarcity and scale of preference.

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