Although, the paper is optional for Art and commercial students, science students have no choice and more attention ought to be given by them. Unfortunately, the numbers of students failing the subject is at high side, therefore, WAEC makes inference on the Reasons Why Candidates Fail 2019 Biology WAEC Theory, among the reasons are:

The observed weaknesses of the candidates include:

  1. poor expression in questions requiring explanation;
  2. poor drawings of diagrams;
  3. poor performance in questions that require application of knowledge;
  4. not giving a title to the diagram;
  5. inability to label the diagram drawn;
  6. inability to spell technical terms correctly;
  7. inability to answer questions that require corresponding answers correctly;
  8. inability to explain the reason why a Rhesus negative woman married to a Rhesus positive man might lose her second pregnancy.
  9. poor grasp of Genetics;
  10. inability to cross the genetics question properly;
  11. not putting ‘X’ as a sign for crossing in question 4;
  12. inability to answer questions on evolution properly;
  13. inability to explain the importance of lightning, Nitrosomonas and Azotobacter in question 6 (a).

Chief Examiner’s Recommendations

Consequently, having identified the peculiar weaknesses from the examination, the following remedies were proffered to overcome the weaknesses:

  1. Teachers should teach students the rules guiding drawing of biological diagrams;
  2. Teachers should be encouraged to attend WAEC coordination;
  3. Teachers should be engaged in seminars and several trainings to aid their teaching;
  4. Students should study the correct spellings of technical terms;
  5. Students should endeavour to write legibly;
  6. Teachers should lay emphasis on genetics and the importance of the cross sign when answering the questions on genetic crossing
  7. Evolution topics should be taught to students
  8. Students and teachers should use standard text books;
  9. Teachers and students should cover the syllabus before putting in for the examinations;
  10. Teachers and students should endeavour to use Chief Examiners’ Reports to study.

What are the candidates’ strengths during the examination?

Most of the candidate shown a good grasp about the following topics when answering them, they are:

  1. Ability to answer questions precisely without giving ambiguous answers
  2. Ability to supply their answers in the spaces provided
  3. Ability to follow instructions stated
  4. Ability to answer the questions on nutrition in question 2
  5. Proficiency in answering questions requiring recall of facts
  6. Ability to state the respiratory surface of earthworm
  7. Ability to state the effects of parasites on their hosts
  8. Ability to state the structures in mammals that are vestigial
  9. Ability to name the excretory organs in insects and earthworm
  10. Some candidates could state the layers of the epidermis in the skin of human
  11. Some candidates could define metamorphosis

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