Guess what? Many are the causes of students’ failure in WAEC examination of which are said to be personal by the students, however, the information made available by the council give no cognizance to any reasons that are personal. Therefore, Reasons Why Candidates Fail 2018 Biology WAEC Theory as outlined below.

  1. poor spelling of some technical terms e.g Spyrogyra for Spirogyra; dysentry for dysentery; thyphoid for typhoid; diarhea for diarrhoea;
  2. poor expression in questions requiring explanation;
  3. poor drawings of diagrams;
  4. inability to compare biological processes appropriately;
  5. poor performance in questions that require application of knowledge;
  6. not giving a title to the diagram;
  7. drawing the urinogenital system of a female instead of the reproductive system;
  8. inability to answer questions that require corresponding answers correctly;
  9. inability to use technical terms to describe some processes;
  10. poor grasp of Genetics;
  11. not putting ‘X‘ as a sign for crossing in question 4;
  12. inability to explain how blood loss by a car accident victim could be restored in question 6 (e).

Chief Examiner’s Recommendations

Having identified peculiar weaknesses of the students in the year Exam. The following recommendations were made to curtail the poor performances

  1. teachers should teach students the rules guiding drawing of biological diagrams;
  2. teachers should make students draw often while making emphasis to the view of the diagram;
  3. teachers should be encouraged to attend WAEC coordination;
  4. teachers should be engaged in seminars and several trainings to aid their teaching;
  5. students should study the correct spellings of technical terms;
  6. the correct definition of biological terms should be encouraged;
  7. students should endeavour to write legibly;
  8. teachers should lay emphasis on genetics;
  9. students and teachers should use standard text books;
  10. teachers and students should cover the syllabus before putting in for the examinations;
  11. teachers and students should endeavour to use Chief Examiners7 Reports to study.

Candidates’ Strength

The observed strengths of the candidates include:

  1. ability to answer questions precisely;
  2. ability to supply their answers in the spaces provided;
  3. ability to follow instructions stated;
  4. proficiency in answering questions requiring recall of facts;
  5. ability to list items as required in some questions;
  6. ability to list the organisms under the headings in the table in question 2(d);
  7. ability to answer the questions peculiar to their country;
  8. naming the gases involved in photosynthesis;
  9. ability to state the roles of the gases involved in photosynthesis;
  10. ability to explain the terms renewable and non-renewable natural resources;
  11. ability to state the transmittable characters in plants;
  12. ability to explain the terms gene, hybrid, trait.

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