Have you ever been set aback by the increasing number of candidates that fail WAEC? Reason for this is largely hinged on complacency and shear negligence on the part of the students and the subject teachers This article will only consider the Reasons why Candidates fail 2010 Chemistry WAEC theory as outlined by the council.

The performance of candidates was affected by the following exhibited weaknesses:

  1. non-adherence to rubrics;
  2. illegible handwritings;
  3. lack of understanding of the demands of the questions;
  4. rampant spelling mistakes and poor communication;
  5. poor mathematical/manipulative skills;
  6. poor study habits;
  7. inability to correctly distinguish between dative bond and covalent bond;
  8. inability to explain why sugar and common salt do not conduct electricity in the solid state;
  9. poor knowledge of the concept of electrolysis;
  10. poor understanding of the periodic table;
  11. inability to correctly solve the calculation on solubility;
  12. Inability to balance chemical equation

These weaknesses were attributed to lack of relevant textbooks, inadequate preparation for examination and non-familiarization with the prescribed examination syllabus.

The council’s Recommendation

In furtherance of assisting the students with solution after having identified the loopholes, the following recommendations were put forward by the chief examiner.

(2) The following remedies were however suggested to overcoming the highlighted remedies

Candidates should:

  1. adhere to rubrics;
  2. write legibly;
  3. be conversant with prescribed examination syllabus;
  4. improve their mathematical/manipulative and communication skills;
  5. acquire relevant text materials and visit libraries;
  6. improve study/reading habits;
  7. prepare adequately for examination.

School Authority/Government should:

  1. recruit qualified teachers;
  2. adequately remunerate teachers;
  3. stock the school library(ies) with relevant text materials;
  4. adequately stock the laboratories;
  5. encourage teachers by means of sponsorship to attend trainings and workshop that will expose them to know frontiers of knowledge.

Noticed Candidates’ Strength

The candidates showed commendable improvements in their ability to:

  1. recall simple facts, definitions and statements of the laws;
  2. balance nuclear equations and identify the type of radiation emitted;
  3. outline the process for the manufacture of H2SO4 by contact process;
  4. give IUPAC names of the given salts;
  5. tackle calculations on empirical and molecular formulae of the hydrocarbon;
  6. draw structures of the two isomers of C2H6O;
  7. write a balanced chemical equation for the complete combustion of carbon;
  8. name two crystalline and two amorphous carbon;
  9. give a chemical test to distinguish between propene and propane.

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