In accordance with WAEC official data made available, the following are the reasons why Candidate fail 2013 Chemistry WAEC Theory.

The weaknesses associated with the performance of candidates include:

  1. non-adherence to rubrics
  2. poor communication skill
  3. illegible handwritings
  4. poor mathematical skills
  5. lack of understanding of the demand of the questions
  6. inability to outline a suitable procedure for the preparation of ZnCI2 crystals from zinc granules
  7. non attachment of magnitude (sign/charges) to oxidation numbers
  8. using formulae to express names of compounds
  9. lack of understanding of the IUPAC nomenclature
  10. inability to correctly write the complete reaction of ethyne with hydrogen bromide
  11. inability to relate concepts in chemistry to everyday life
  12. inability to give logical explanation on why an inflated balloon expands in water

The weaknesses were attributed to lack of relevant textbooks, inadequate preparation for examination and non familiarization with the prescribed examination syllabus.

The council’s suggested Remedies

The following remedies were however suggested to overcome the highlighted weaknesses.

  1. Candidates should familiarize themselves with the requirements of the prescribed examination syllabus
  2. adhere to rubrics
  3. write legibly
  4. improve their communication skills
  5. acquire relevant text materials and cultivate the habit of visiting libraries
  6. prepare adequately for the examination

Candidates’ Strengths

Candidates showed good knowledge and understanding of:

  1. definition of various terms;
  2. statements of the laws;
  3. periodicity of elements;
  4. concept of electrolysis;
  5. concept of solutions;
  6. stoichiometry of reactions;
  7. pollution and pollutants;
  8. organic chemistry.

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