KASU is a state-owned university that is largely affordable by many Nigerians, the university capacity is fairly big with a world quality facility. You may be interested in applying for PG degree in the school, here is the list of Postgraduate Courses in KASU – Kaduna State University, although, there is tendencies for more additions in years to come.

Faculty of Social and Management Sciences:

  1. PGD, Conflict, Peace & Strategic Studies
  2. PGD, Crime Management
  3. PGD, Investigative Journalism
  4. PGD, Mass Communication
  5. PGD, Sports Journalism
  6. PGD, Procurement and Supply Chain Management
  7. PGD, Accounting
  8. PGD, Management
  9. PGD, Entrepreneur Studies
  10. PGD, Public Sector Economics
  11. MSc, Political Science
  12. MSc, Sociology
  13. MSc, Accounting
  14. MSc, Business Administration
  15. MSc, Economics
  16. Masters in Conflict, Peace & Strategic Stud. (MCPSS)
  17. Masters in Criminal Justice, (MCI)
  18. Masters in Business Administration (MBA)
  19. Masters of Banking and Finance (MBF)
  20. Masters Industrial and Labour Relations (MILR).

Faculty of Sciences:

  1. PGD, Industrial Chemistry
  2. PGD, Biochemistry
  3. PGD, Physics
  4. PGD, GIS/PGD, Microbiology
  5. PGD, Software Design
  6. PGD, Management Information System
  7. PGD, Hardware Maintenance
  8. PGD, Computer Sciences
  9. MSc, Computer Science
  10. MSc, Physics
  11. MSc, Geography
  12. MSc, Food, and Industrial Microbiology
  13. MSc, Medical Microbiology
  14. MSc, Environmental Microbiology
  15. MSc, Biological Sciences
  16. MSc, Fisheries & Aquaculture
  17. MSc, Entomology
  18. MSc, Environmental Biology

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