What is stock taking? – NABTEB QUESTIONWhat is stock taking? – NABTEB QUESTION

What is stock taking? – NABTEB QUESTION

Stock-taking is the periodic or annual physical counting of stocks at hand with stock cards to ascertain available stocks.

4 years ago
Explain THREE of the sources of recruitment. – NABTEB QUESTIONExplain THREE of the sources of recruitment. – NABTEB QUESTION

Explain THREE of the sources of recruitment. – NABTEB QUESTION

i. Newspaper publication enables prospective applicants to be aware of the existing vacancies and apply if qualified. ii. Through foreign…

4 years ago
Mention FIVE Sources of Recruitment. – NABTEB QUESTIONMention FIVE Sources of Recruitment. – NABTEB QUESTION

Mention FIVE Sources of Recruitment. – NABTEB QUESTION

(i) Through newspaper publication. (ii) Through foreign mission abroad. (iii) Through colleges and universities. (iv) Through professional organizations/consultancy firms/agencies. (v)…

4 years ago
Define Recruitment. – NABTEB QUESTIONDefine Recruitment. – NABTEB QUESTION

Define Recruitment. – NABTEB QUESTION

Recruitment is the process of identifying existing vacancies, placing advertisement for qualified personnel, screening applications and conducting interview for selecting…

4 years ago
Write short notes on each of the following office equipment. (a) Franking Machine. (b) Shredding Machine. (c) Perforating Machine. – NABTEB QUESTIONWrite short notes on each of the following office equipment. (a) Franking Machine. (b) Shredding Machine. (c) Perforating Machine. – NABTEB QUESTION

Write short notes on each of the following office equipment. (a) Franking Machine. (b) Shredding Machine. (c) Perforating Machine. – NABTEB QUESTION

Franking Machine (i) It prints replica of a postage stamp on an envelope. (ii) The machine can be operated both…

4 years ago
Explain FOUR advantages of Rotary and Lateral Filing System. – NABTEB QUESTIONExplain FOUR advantages of Rotary and Lateral Filing System. – NABTEB QUESTION

Explain FOUR advantages of Rotary and Lateral Filing System. – NABTEB QUESTION

(i) The system can contain large number of filing records. (ii) Colour labels when used makes records easier to trace…

4 years ago
Distinguish between Rotary and Lateral Filing System. – NABTEB QUESTIONDistinguish between Rotary and Lateral Filing System. – NABTEB QUESTION

Distinguish between Rotary and Lateral Filing System. – NABTEB QUESTION

Rotary filing is whereby spinning wheel or sprochets in which files are arranged systematically thus making it rotate or searching…

4 years ago
List FIVE disadvantages of electric typewriter. – NABTEB QUESTIONList FIVE disadvantages of electric typewriter. – NABTEB QUESTION

List FIVE disadvantages of electric typewriter. – NABTEB QUESTION

(i) Power failure may delay work in progress. (ii) Machine and materials are very expensive. (iii) It could only be…

4 years ago
Explain FIVE advantages of Ink Duplicator. – NABTEB QUESTIONExplain FIVE advantages of Ink Duplicator. – NABTEB QUESTION

Explain FIVE advantages of Ink Duplicator. – NABTEB QUESTION

(i) It provides the cheapest way of reproducing large number of copies of a document. (ii) Master can be produced…

4 years ago
Explain FIVE steps taken by Central Bank to control abuse of traveler’s cheque. – NABTEB QUESTIONExplain FIVE steps taken by Central Bank to control abuse of traveler’s cheque. – NABTEB QUESTION

Explain FIVE steps taken by Central Bank to control abuse of traveler’s cheque. – NABTEB QUESTION

(i) The Central Bank introduces staff penalty like withdrawer of licences issued to banks or individuals. (ii) The Central Bank…

4 years ago