Lit in English

Rhyming words?

A. have similar spellings B. are parallel lines C. sound alike D. convey meaning Correct Answer: Option C - sound…

4 years ago

The mood in ”Nothing so true as what you once let fall Most women have no characters at all” is?

A. pessimistic B. jubilant C. anticipatory D. optimistic Correct Answer: Option A - jubilant

4 years ago

Poetry that avoids the use of regular metre is?

A. lyric B. lumerick C. free verse D. blank verse Correct Answer: Option C - free verse

4 years ago

Which of the following is a praise poem?

A. Freetown B. Ulysses C. Is my team ploughing? D. Ode to the West Wind Correct Answer: Option D -…

4 years ago

The metrical pattern in, ”In mist or cloud, On mast or shroud” is?

A. iambic B. trochaic C. anapaestic D. dactylic Correct Answer: Option A - iambic

4 years ago

Pick the odd item from the options below.

A. Elegy B. Epitaph C. Dirge D. Ode Correct Answer: Option D - Dirge

4 years ago

In ”my finger click with a Snicker And, chuckling, they knuckle the key” the dominant figure of speech used is?

A. parallelism B. litotes C. hyperbole D. onomatopoeia Correct Answer: Option D - onomatopoeia

4 years ago

A situation in which the audience knows more than the character does, is an instance of?

A. comic relief B. interior monologue C. dramatic irony D. poetic license Correct Answer: Option C - dramatic irony

4 years ago

”Horrendous horrors haunted Helen’s happiness” illustrates?

A. alliteration B. rhythm C. repetition D. assonance Correct Answer: Option A - alliteration

4 years ago

A device that reveals a discrepancy between appearance and reality is?

A. oxymoron B. irony C. antithesis D. bathos Correct Answer: Option B - irony

4 years ago