Lit In Eng

Widows mourning in Kofi wear garments that are________?Widows mourning in Kofi wear garments that are________?

Widows mourning in Kofi wear garments that are________?

The question is based on Bayo Adebowale's LONELY DAYS Widows mourning in Kofi wear garments that are________? A. White B.…

4 years ago
Mr Datton is of the opinion that Negroes are happier when they are?Mr Datton is of the opinion that Negroes are happier when they are?

Mr Datton is of the opinion that Negroes are happier when they are?

The question is based on Richard Writer’s NATIVE SON Mr Datton is of the opinion that Negroes are happier when…

4 years ago
Weekly; Bigger is to be paid _________?Weekly; Bigger is to be paid _________?

Weekly; Bigger is to be paid _________?

The question is based on Richard Writer’s Native Son Weekly, Bigger is to be paid_________? A. Twenty Dollars B. Twenty…

4 years ago
The question is based on Richard Writer’s Native Son: Bigger kills Mary due to______?The question is based on Richard Writer’s Native Son: Bigger kills Mary due to______?

The question is based on Richard Writer’s Native Son: Bigger kills Mary due to______?

A. Fear B. Hatred C. Envy D. Distrust Correct Answer: Option A - Fear Explanation The protagonist and main character…

4 years ago
The main aim of caricature is to _______?The main aim of caricature is to _______?

The main aim of caricature is to _______?

A. describe B. expose C. emphasize D. ridicule Correct Answer: Option D - ridicule

4 years ago

The juxtaposition of two contrasting ideas in a line of poetry is _________?

A. euphemism B. synecdoche C. catharsis D. oxymoron Correct Answer: Option D - oxymoron

4 years ago
A fable is a story in which _______?A fable is a story in which _______?

A fable is a story in which _______?

A. allegations are made about characters B. animal is or things are used as characters C. there is an important…

4 years ago
A literacy genre which directly imitates human actions is ______?A literacy genre which directly imitates human actions is ______?

A literacy genre which directly imitates human actions is ______?

A. Drama B. comedy C. Prose D. Poetry Correct Answer: Option A - Drama

4 years ago
A poet‘s use of regular rhythm is known as _______?A poet‘s use of regular rhythm is known as _______?

A poet‘s use of regular rhythm is known as _______?

A. allegory B. assonance C. metre D. onomatopoeia Correct Answer: Option C - metre Explanation In poetry, metre (Commonwealth English)…

4 years ago
Drama is the representation of a complete series of actions by means of _______?Drama is the representation of a complete series of actions by means of _______?

Drama is the representation of a complete series of actions by means of _______?

A. movement and gesture for the screen and audience B. speech, movement and gesture for the stage only C. speech,…

4 years ago