
Lowland areas are most suited for a wide range of crops which includes?

A. wheat, banana and coffee B. rubber, sugarcane and rice C. coconut, rubber and tea D. sugarcane, rice and sorghum…

4 years ago

The area lies mainly in the?

  A. Guinea savanna B. Sudan savanna C. derived savanna D. Sahel savanna Correct Answer: Option A - Guinea savanna

4 years ago

The rains occur mainly as a result of?

A. south-east trade wind B. strong orographic effects C. north - east trade winds D. strong conventional currents Correct Answer:…

4 years ago

The main annual rainfall in the shaded area is?

A. 1600mm - 3200mm B. 800mm - 1600mm C. 400mm - 800mm D. above 3200mm Correct Answer: Option A -…

4 years ago

The shaded area is the?

A. Niger-Benue syncline B. Niger-Benue confluence C. Niger-Benue Basin D. Niger-Benue trough Correct Answer: Option D - Niger-Benue trough

4 years ago

The rapid growth of cities like Tokyo; Osaka and Yokohama in Japan can be attributed to?

A. the increase in international trade B. immigration from neighouring countries C. the rejection of family planning methods D. large-scale…

4 years ago

Which of the following is a type of iron ore?

A. Columbite B. Limonite C. Anthracite D. Lignite Correct Answer: Option B - Limonite

4 years ago

A situation in which the bulk of the urban population in a country is concentrated in one town is best described as?

A. urban primacy B. urbanization C. conurbation D. urban explosion Correct Answer: Option B - urbanization

4 years ago

The direction of flow of ocean currents is determined mainly by the?

A. prevailing winds and the rotation of the earth B. salinity of the ocean and the amount of freshwater inflow…

4 years ago