
The port that handles the highest volume of timber export in Nigeria is?

A. Sapele B. Warri C. Port Harcourt D. Lagos Correct Answer: Option D - Lagos

4 years ago

The oldest system of agriculture in Nigeria which now survives only in very remote areas is?

A. mixed farming B. shifting cultivation C. marketing gardening D. bush fallowing Correct Answer: Option B - shifting cultivation

4 years ago

Most of the iron ores produced in Africa are exported because?

A. the producing countries have good transport systems to coastal ports B. the producing countries have low internal consumption capacities…

4 years ago

Tin-mining activities in Nigeria are the main causes of environmental degradation on the?

A. Western Highlands B. Eastern Highlands C. Jos Plateau D. Obudu Plateau Correct Answer: Option C - Jos Plateau

4 years ago

In the Niger Delta; the features that are clearly visible are?

A. white sandy beaches, tall trees and salt-water swamps B. white sandy beaches, reddish sandy beaches and mangrove trees C.…

4 years ago

Which is the simplest method of rapid distance measurement in surveying?

A. Pacing B. Tape measurement C. Changing D. Compass measurement Correct Answer: Option D - Compass measurement

4 years ago

The Town marked X and Y respectively are?

A. Tema and Akosombo B. Accra and Kumasi C. Takoradi and Tema D. Accra and Takoradi Correct Answer: Option B…

4 years ago

The reservoir was created primarily for?

  A. industrial power generation B. inland fishing industry C. large-scale irrigation D. inland water transportation Correct Answer: Option A…

4 years ago

The production of the crop is usually done mainly through?

A. gathering from natural forest and plantation B. Plantation and large-scale irrigation C. mixed farming and small-holder cultivation D. smaller-holder…

4 years ago

The feature is usually associated with?

  A. dry and wet tropics B. faulted topography C. folded environments D. Karst regions Correct Answer: Option A -…

4 years ago