Jesus charged Christians to express love just as _______?

A. He taught them the new commandment B. They would do with their neighbours C. He laid his life for…

5 years ago

One significance of St Paul’s teaching on Resurrection is that ________?

A. Christians must not underestimate the power of baptism by immersion B. As Christ rose and ascended into glory, so…

5 years ago

According to Luke, Jesus was standing by the ______ He thereafter entered into the boat preaching and later ‘calling’ Simon Peter _________?

A. Lake of Gennesaret B. City of Capernaum C. Wall of Bethsaida D. Sea of Galilee Correct Answer: Option A…

5 years ago

The model example for wives in Christian families according to St Peter is _____?

A. Ruth B. Deborah C. Sarah D. Rebecca Correct Answer: Option C C. Sarah Explanation Sarah is the correct answer.…

5 years ago

St Paul’s condition for the attainment of justification is by ______?

A. Total obedience to the law B. Holiness in Christ Jesus C. Faith in the Resurrected Jesus D. Loving our…

5 years ago

Jesus healed the lame man who had been sick for thirty-eight years at?

A. Capernaum B. Samaria C. Galilee D. Betsheba Correct Answer: Option D D. Betsheba Explanation Bethsheba, specifically at the pool…

5 years ago

Jeremiah prophesied God’s punishment of the Israelites because they had ______?

A. Compromised his worship B. Committed atrocities with their neighbors' wives C. Trampled on the needy D. No belief in…

5 years ago

One of the most significant lessons from the emergence of Deborah as a leader is that ________?

A. She not only prophesied but also advised Israel B. Gender difference isn't a limitation to leadership C. Honesty and…

5 years ago

God instructed Saul to utterly destroy Amalek because __________?

A. He abhors Idolatory and all forms of Unrighteousness B. Its people opposed the Israelites on the way after departing…

5 years ago

The core of Saul’s disobedience was that ____________?

A. He freed the Kenites B. He refused to carry out God's assignment on eliminating the Amalekites C. He didn't…

5 years ago