St. James in the teaching on faith and work gave the analogy of ________?

A. A man who looks himself in the mirror and appreciates God for that B. A hungry man who approached…

5 years ago

The accusation of blasphemy against Moses, the law and God was levied against _______?

A. Stephen B. Peter and John C. Paul D. Philip Correct Answer: Option A A. Stephen Explanation The Jews falsely…

5 years ago

Peter advised Christians to _______as they were sharing Christ’s sufferings?

A. Be Prayerful B. Rejoice C. Persevere D. Be Steadfast Correct Answer: Option B B. Rejoice Explanation Seeing as their…

5 years ago

The core of St Paul’s advice on dignity of Labour is that?

A. Christians must work hard to actively support the Church and themselves B. The lazy people must be made to…

5 years ago

Summarily, St Paul in his teaching on ‘New Life In Christ’ advised Christians to ______?

A. Endeavor to be baptized by immersion B. Pray for the Grace of God C. Forsake only adultery and murder…

5 years ago

St Paul, in ‘Law and Grace’, although man was condemned, he has been redeemed through the _____?

A. Compliance to the laws of God B. Righteousness of his deeds C. Grace of God D. Faith in Christ…

5 years ago

St. Peter’s teaching on Civic Responsibility centers upon ____?

A. Good Neighbourliness B. Social Advancement C. Good Citizenship D. Social Justice Correct Answer: Option C C. Good Citizenship Explanation…

5 years ago

Peter healed Aeneas who had been bedridden for ____ years?

A. Four B. Six C. Eight D. Twelve Correct Answer: Option C C. Eight Explanation Aeneas had been paralyzed for…

5 years ago

A Christian can demonstrate that he is light of the world by _________?

A. Advocating for the meek to inherit the earth B. being committed to improving himself C. being merciful to persons…

5 years ago

Elijah fed on _____ after declaring drought upon the land of Israel?

A. Bread, Fish and Oil B. Bread, Meat and Water C. Oath, Barley and Water D. Vine, Wheat and Water…

5 years ago