St James teaching on impartiality centers on ______?

A. Giving the place of the rich to the poor and in the church B. Loving our neighbours as ourselves…

5 years ago

Josiah sent _____the priest to inquire of the Lord from Huldah.

A. Shallim B. Huldah C. Hilkiah D. Shapham Correct Answer: Option C C. Hilkiah Explanation The priest and Shaphan, the…

5 years ago

One of the most significant lessons from the healing of the Centurion’s Servant is that __________?

A. Jesus has the power to forgive sins B. The Level of faith of the servant made Jesus heal him…

5 years ago

On the ________day, the child was _______and named Jesus.

A. Eight, anointed B. Ninth, Circumcised C. Ninth, Anointed D. Eight, Circumcised Correct Answer: Option D D. Eight, Circumcised Explanation…

5 years ago

According to St James, ‘He who keeps the whole law and fails in one is guilty of _________?

A. Breaking the new commandment of Christ B. Breaking that particular love and should pray for grace C. Breaking the…

5 years ago

Paul advised the young in his teaching on interpersonal relationship among Christians to ________?

A. See themselves as strong and able-bodied servants of God B. Subject themselves to the elders C. Maintain good conduct…

5 years ago

One derivative lesson from the story of Gehazi’s greed is that ______?

A. We can by ourselves, through materialism, cause the destruction of generations yet unborn B. Dishonesty should not have been…

5 years ago

The Lord protected the Israelites with all but one of the following when the Egyptians chased them?

A. Pillar of cloud B. Pillar of darkness C. Angels D. Pillar of storm Correct Answer: Option D D. Pillar…

5 years ago

The core of Saul’s disobedience was that _________?

A. He didn't perform the task of smiting the Amalekites to the letter B. He preserved the booty for himself…

5 years ago

The model example in St. Paul teaching on humility is _______?

A. Abraham B. Prophet Elijah C. None of the Above D. Noah Correct Answer: Option C C. None of the…

5 years ago