
The most important attributes in a sale of goods contract are?

A. offer and consideration B. price and goods C. offer and acceptance D. demand and supply Correct Answer: Option C…

4 years ago

Marketing skimming is an example of?

A. market penetration B. sales promotion C. pricing policy D. advertising Correct Answer: Option A - market penetration

4 years ago

The concept which focuses on consumers in decision-making is?

A. selling concept B. marketing concept C. product concept D. production concept Correct Answer: Option B - marketing concept

4 years ago

The efficiency of an organization is enhanced by?

A. government assistance B. the host community C. customer support D. skilled manpower Correct Answer: Option D - skilled manpower

4 years ago

An organizational structure that is military in nature is the?

A. line structure B. staff structure C. line and staff structure D. frictional structure Correct Answer: Option D - frictional…

4 years ago

The function which ensures that set objectives are attained by an organization is?

A. planning B. directing C. staffing D. controlling Correct Answer: Option D - controlling  

4 years ago

The daily official publications of the Nigeria Stock Exchange give detailed information on the?

A. changes in the official rules set by the market B. method of transactions agreed upon by members C. participation…

4 years ago

The major dealers on the stock market are the?

A. agents B. jobbers C. investors D. brokers Correct Answer: Option D - brokers

4 years ago

The characteristics which ensures that money is free from forgery is its?

A. legality B. durability C. recognition D. credibility Correct Answer: Option A - legality

4 years ago

The manufacturers’ Association of Nigeria is an example of a?

A. labour union B. pressure group C. conglomerate D. cartel Correct Answer: Option B - pressure group

4 years ago