
The raw materials used for the smelting of iron ore in a furnace is?

A. CaSO4 B. CaCO3 C. CuSO4 D. Zn(NO3)2 Correct Answer: Option B = CaCO3

4 years ago

A good drying agent should be?

A. deliquescent B. effervescent C. hygroscopic D. efflorescent Correct Answer: Option C - hygroscopic

4 years ago

The presence of nitrogen in air is to slow down?

A. respiration and combustion B. combustion and corrosion C. corrosion and respiration D. respiration and transpiration Correct Answer: Option B…

4 years ago

A supersaturated solution is said to contain?

A. more solute than it can dissolve at that temperature in the presence of undissolved solute B. as much solute…

4 years ago

When temporary hard water is boiled for sometime in a kettle; the inner surface of the kettle becomes coated with a deposit of?

A. calcium tetraoxosulphate(VI) B. calcium trioxocarbonate (IV) C. calcium hydrogentrioxocarbonate (IV) D. aluminium trioxocarbonate (IV) Correct Answer: Option B -…

4 years ago

The IUPAC nomenclature of compound CH3CH2COOCH2CH3 is?

A. propyl ethanoate B. ethyl butanoate C. ethyl propanoate D. methyl butanoate Correct Answer: Option C - ethyl propanoate

4 years ago

Certain useful waxes are composed mainly of?

A. amino acids B. glycerols C. alkanols D. alkanoates Correct Answer: Option B - glycerols

4 years ago

The conversion of open chain alkanes into cycloalkanes and aromatic compounds is called?

A. cracking B. reforming C. isomerization D. polymerization Correct Answer: Option B - reforming

4 years ago

How many structural isomers of chlorobutane are possible?

A. 4 B. 3 C. 2 D. 1 Correct Answer: Option A - 4

4 years ago

The hydrocarbon used in the production of styrene is?

A. ethyne B. propyne C. ethane D. ethene Correct Answer: Option D - ethene

4 years ago