
The stunted growth of a leguminous plant suffering from nitrogen deficiency may be corrected by inoculating the soil with?

A. denitrifying bacteria B. Saprophytic bacteria C. Rhizobium D. Nitrosomonas Correct Answer: Option C - Saprophytic bacteria

4 years ago

The cell component that is present in a prokaryotic cell is the?

A. Chloroplast B. Ribosome C. Mitochondrion D. Nuclear envelope Correct Answer: Option B - Ribosome

4 years ago

An insect whose economic importance is both harmful and beneficial is the?

A. Tsetsefly B. Blackfly C. Mosquito D. Butterfly Correct Answer: Option D - Butterfly

4 years ago

Hermophroditic reproduction can be found among the?

A. Arthropods and nematodes B. Pisces and amphibians C. Annelids and molluscs D. coelenterates and Platyhelminthes Correct Answer: Option D…

4 years ago

The similarity among organisms belonging to the same group will be least within each?

A. family B. order C. kingdom D. species Correct Answer: Option C - kingdom

4 years ago

The umbrella shaped fruiting body of a fully developed mushroom is the?

A. Pileus B. Mycelium C. Basidium D. Stipe Correct Answer: Option A - Pileus

4 years ago

One distinctive feature in the life history of liverworts is that they exhibit?

A. Alternation of generation B. Vegetative reproduction C. Asexual reproduction D. Sexual reproduction Correct Answer: Option A - Alternation of…

4 years ago

The type of joint between adjacent bones in the part labelled II is the?

A. hinge joint B. ball and socket joint C. suture joint D. sliding joint Correct Answer: Option D - sliding…

4 years ago

The bones labelled II are called?

A. lumbar vertebrae B. thoracic vertebrae C. cervical vertebrae D. sacral vertebrae Correct Answer: Option A - lumbar vertebrae

4 years ago

The part labelled II is this diagram is?

A. stigma B. anther C. filament D. style Correct Answer: Option B - anther

4 years ago