
An organism that has been extensively used to test the chromosomes theory of heredity is?

A. Drosophila melanogaster B. Muscar domestica C. Zea mays D. Homo sapiens Correct Answer: Option A - Drosophila melanogaster

4 years ago

A man and his wife are both heterozyous for the sickle-cell trait. The likely percentage of their offspring that will be either carriers or sicklers is?

A. 75% B. 50% C. 25% D. 100% Correct Answer: Option A - 75% Explanation An heterozygote for sickle-cell anaemia…

4 years ago

If a DNA strand has a base sequence TCA, its complementary strand must be?

A. ATG B. TAG C. GAT D. AGT Correct Answer: Option D - AGT

4 years ago

The pioneer organisms in ecological succession are usually the?

A. mosses B. lichens C. ferns D. algae Correct Answer: Option B - lichens

4 years ago

Soil fertility can best be conserved by the activities of?

A. Earthworm B. Man C. Rodent D. Microbes Correct Answer: Option D - Microbes

4 years ago

A limited factor in a plant population near a chemical factory is likely to be?

A. Light B. Humidity C. wind D. pH Correct Answer: Option D - pH

4 years ago

Mycorriza is an association between fungi and?

A. protozoans B. Roots of higher plants C. Bacteria D. Filamentous algae Correct Answer: Option B - Filamentous algae

4 years ago

The correct sequence of biomes from northern to southern Nigeria is?

A. Guinea savanna → Sudan savanna → tropical rain forest → Sahel savanna → estuarine B. Estuarine → tropical rain…

4 years ago

The most effective method of dealing with non-biodegradable pollutant is by?

A. Dumping B. Recycling C. Incineration D. Burying Correct Answer: Option B - Recycling

4 years ago

One example of fossil fuels is?

A. Limestone B. Coral C. Coal D. Firewood Correct Answer: Option C - Coal Explanation: Coal, oil, and natural gas…

4 years ago