Agricultural Science

What is the effect of stability of market price on produce? The

A. profit of the producer would be constant if there is no increase in cost inputs B. profit of the…

4 years ago

A farmer uses his agricultural loans for the following except?

A. paying labour wages B. hiring machineries and tools C. purchasing drugs for livestock D. paying for seeds E. marketing…

4 years ago

Selection of breeding males based on the performance of their female relatives is known as?

A. sib-selection B. individual selection C. tandem-method D. progeny testing E. index selection Correct Answer: Option A - sib-selection

4 years ago

Diarrhoea tainted with blood is a symptom of?

A. trypanosomiasis B. coccidiosis C. ketosis D. brucellosis E. aspergilliosis Correct Answer: Option C - ketosis

4 years ago

Temperature is an important factor which is monitored in fish ponds because?

A. it determines the feeding rate in fish B. its fluctuation retards fish reproduction C. it affects the metabolic processes…

4 years ago

Management practices of established pasture include the following except?

A. fencing B. transplanting C. replanting D. manuring E. re-seedings Correct Answer: Option C - replanting

4 years ago

The best control ensure for rinderpest disease in cattle is?

A. sanitation B. isolation C. use of antibiotics D. eradication of infected stock E. vaccination Correct Answer: Option E -…

4 years ago

Which of the following characteristics is not correct of pigs?

A. prolific animals B. efficient feed converters C. source of meat D. source of land E. source of skin Correct…

4 years ago

Which of the following is not a method of improving range land?

A. controlled stocking B. rotational grazing C. use of fertilizers D. introduction of legumes E. overgrazing Correct Answer: Option E…

4 years ago

Forages cut fresh and preserved in silo or pit are referred to as?

A. hay B. silage C. haylage D. soilage E. compost Correct Answer: Option B - silage

4 years ago