A. date of employment B. equity C. income generated D. total credit. Correct Answer: Option A - date of employment
A. amount of wages paid to labour B. hours or days of work by labour C. level of education of…
A. brings about greater change in quantity of goods demanded B. of a commodity leads to little or no change…
A. labour B. capital C. land D. management. Correct Answer: Option C - land
A. family selection B. pedigree selection C. progeny selection D. line selection. Correct Answer: Option B - pedigree selection
A. fertilization B. inoculation C. stocking D. liming. Correct Answer: Option B - inoculation
A. bacterium B. virus C. fungus D. protozoan. Correct Answer: Option B - virus
A. stag B. vealers C. yealing D. heifer Correct Answer: Option D - heifer
A. Yankasa B. Uda C. West Africa dwarf sheep D. Balami. Correct Answer: Option A - Yankasa
A. 1 : 2 B. 2 : 2 C. 1 : 3 D. 3 : 2 Correct Answer: Option C…