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SS3 First Term Food and Nutrition Lesson Note – Cultural Food Habit

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CONTENT: (a) meaning of food habit and (b) food taboos and fads (c) fallacies


Cultural food habits: cultural food habits are those cultural or indigenous foods that people are used to and find it difficult to change. People eat according to learned behaviour with regards to etiquette, meal and snack patterns, acceptable foods, food combinations and portion sizes. A common eating pattern is three meals (breakfast, lunch and supper) per day with snacks between meals. The components of a meal vary across cultures. What people eat affects their ability to stay healthy, work and live well. The average nutritional requirement of groups of people and fixed depending on: age, sex, height, depending on: age, sex, height, degree of activity and rate of growth. However, despite the nutritional knowledge of what to eat and in what quantities, people live healthy and happy. Personal preferences, habit, family, customs (taboo) and social settings (facts and fallacies) largely determine what a person consumes.

Food habit

Food habit: This is the type of food one is used to and probably finds it difficult to change to another type of food. It also means the established choice of foods or patterns and ways of meal preparation and service adopted by families or individualities on a regular basis. It is the people’s likes and dislikes and their attitude towards foods.

Factors that influence food habit:

  1. Family upbringing
  2. Social interactions
  3. Customs and taboos
  4. Weather and climate
  5. Locally produced foods
  6. Health of the individual
  7. economic statues
  8. educational level
  9. physiological variation
  10. religious beliefs
  11. emotional feelings

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