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SS2 Second Term Food and Nutrition Lesson Note – Condiments and Seasonings

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CONTENT: (a) types of herbs and spices (b) uses of spices in cooking (c) flavourings and colourings


The word condiment is broadly applied to a variety of food additives including herbs, spices, seasonings, sauces, picklings, flavourings, colourings and even beverages, such as tea, coffee etc.

  1. Herbs and Spices

Herbs are made from various types of plants using different parts such as the leaves, flowers and stem while spices are obtained from roots, seeds, buds or barks of plant. The parts can be fresh or dried, ground or whole and are used in cookery to add all sorts of flavour such as hot, zesty, sweet tangy, to name a few.

Herbs and spices contain volatile oils which give them their flavour and aromas. It is important to note that they lose their valued flavour and aroma when they are kept for too long or exposed to air. Herbs include parsley, mint, bitter leaf, etc and spices include black pepper, chilli pepper, mustard, garlic, onions etc.

Herbs and spices are found both naturally and artificially and are produced locally and some are produced in foreign countries.

Natural herbs and spices are those that are used directly as they are brought from the farm without subjecting them to any industrial processing. They include African lemon grass, bitter leaf, tea bush, black pepper, ginger, onion, garlic, different types of red pepper etc.

Artificial herbs and spices are parts of plants which are produced through industrial processing. Artificial herbs and spices are mostly foreign and they include curry thyme, cinnamon, mustard, vinegar, etc.

  1. Seasoning

Seasonings are substances added to food to improve the flavour and taste of the food and these include salt, pepper, boullion cubes such as magi.

Salt is the first and earliest and most important condiment used by humans. It is often a constituent ingredient in many of the condiments. Salt is a major preservative and today it is commonly found in most processed foods.

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