The content is just an excerpt from the complete note for SS2 Second Term Catering Practice Lesson Note – Beverages: The bar; Types of Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Drinks II. Check below to download the complete DOCUMENT
TOPIC: Beverages- the bar, types of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, cocktails and drinking glasses used in the food and beverage service.
SUB TOPIC: Alcoholic Drinks.
Beer-is an alcoholic beverage found in bars. Alcoholic content of beer is usually between 3.5%-10% alcohols by volume. e.g. larger, bitter, stout etc.
Secondary fermentation.
Poor seller management.
Foreign bodies in beer; fault includes.
Cloudy beer
Flat beer
Sour beer
Foreign bodies.
Beer is measured in beer measures and in centilitres, litres, gallons and barrels.
Drinking glass for serving beers are larger glass, beer straight and beer dimple.
Cocktails is a mixed drink of about 10cl.if more than 10cl is called mixed drink or long drink.
Types of cocktail
Champagne cocktail- champagne mixed with orange juice
Egg nog- brandy mixed with egg.
Egg flop- wine or spirit mixed with egg yolk.
Cups- wine mixed with fruits.
Toddies- refreshing drink serve hot or cold with lemon and nutmeg.
Fruit cocktail- mixture of pineapple, mango, orange, water melon lemon juice and water.
Mixed cocktail: a mixture of minerals such as Fanta, coca-cola, sprite etc. also brandy or alcoholic drink garnished with lemon or lime.
Collins: hot weather drinks made with spirit and plenty of ice.
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